Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our Social Workers

At Children First, we pride ourselves on providing highly experienced social workers to do all of our supervision.  Whether it is in King, Pierce or Snohomish County, we have social workers available weekdays and weekends to meet the needs of working and non-working parents.

For many parents, having a third party participate in visitation is something new to them.  Our social workers understand this and make sure to not interject themselves into the visit, but rather be there should the health, safety or welfare of the child/children be in jeopardy.  Our agency strives to have one social worker stay with the family for all of the visits to ensure continuity.

In King County we have approximately 6 social workers who are available for supervised visitation.  Many of them are affiliated with the Department of Social and Health Services and are particularly trained in handling domestic violence situations.  Their experiences are broad ranging from youth counselors, to Guardian Ad Litems, to domestic violence advocates. The common theme between them, however, is their incredible dedication to the field of social work and the clients they work with.

On separate (but slightly related) note: I wanted to include a few pictures from the recent Taste of Main event in Bellevue. My wife is a former board member (and current honorary board member) at the Children's Response Center (CRC) and we make a point of participating in this annual fundraiser every year. For those who are not familiar with it, the Taste of Main is an annual event when almost every business on Bellevue's Old Main street opens its doors and offers food, kids activities, or discounts to benefit CRC which provides counseling and other services to children on the Eastside who've suffered sexual or traumatic abuse (and assistance for their families, too).

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