As we approach our one year anniversary, it seems appropriate to join the online blogging world.
First and foremost, a most sincere thank you for all of the referrals that come in each week. It is very appreciated and we at Children First are proud to provide professionally licensed social workers for supervised visits and to be a member of the Supervised Visitation Network.
We have also received excellent feedback about our wonderful and professional social workers. We feel extremely fortunate that they have chosen to work for our agency. Not only do they provide exceptional visitation supervision, but they are also diligent about issuing reports to all parties within 48 hours of each visit.
We anticipate using this blog as a resource for parents involved in supervised visits and for providing additional information and ideas to make this process more enjoyable. We know for many clients, this is their first exposure to having to be supervised by a third party when seeing their children. It can be difficult and stressful. Our agency strives to make the process not only safe and secure for the children, but to allow the parent to be a parent.
This weekend, we encourage parents to visit Medina Days where Hopelink will have a booth selling ice cream and lemonade with all proceeds going to help people in need.
It is never too early to mark your calendars for the Children Resource Center's Taste of Main event in downtown Bellevue next Saturday, August 20th. My wife is a former Board Member and active supporter of the CRC and we would love to have another wonderful turnout for this year's event.
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